
Want a custom doodle for your desk?  For your friend's desk?  For the poorly dimensioned knick knack shelf that came built-in with your house?  I'm accepting commissions!  Contact me through the form below; I'd love to hear your idea and the unique story that goes with it.


I take only two commissions per month on a first-come-first-serve basis. Additional queries are put on a waiting list which carries into the next month.

At this time, I am ONLY shipping within the U.S., however, digital commission work is available for international queries.

Due to the reality of scammers leaching on our modern world, I ONLY accept payments through my site at this time.  If you send the wrong amount of money, I will NOT reimburse you, so double check amounts before sending! I will NOT click any external links or share my personal information. Potential clients must agree to full Terms and Conditions before I accept a commission. Contacting me through this form assumes that you have agreed to the full Terms and Conditions.

Commissions Contact Form

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