Extreme Makeover: Home Studio Edition

Extreme Makeover: Home Studio Edition

Andrew and I have shared an office space since we got married.  Cute right?  But by that I mean, Andrew used his desk and I spread my projects all over the floor, the kitchen table, the living room, our bedroom--everywhere except my desk, upon which I piled the stuff that was in the way of my projects.  I'm a full-fledged spreader-outer. 

When Andrew's new job came with a dope new work-from-home setup, he took my neglected desk and gave it purpose.  So Doodled By Carrie was born at the kitchen table.  We quickly learned that amalgamating life and work in the center of our home meant starving, running out of clean underwear, and damning the bathrooms to hell.  The home studio initiative was briskly set in motion: designating a creative space out of the way of laundry, my patient husband, and decorative compromise.  One month later, my tiny business is privileged to grow in the prettiest room of my house. 

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